Escape to the bush: luxury family style

Escape to the bush: luxury family style

For many of us, childhood holidays are remembered as a magical time before the worries of everyday life weighed on us, and the drudgery of chores was a foreign concept. For those seeking to return to this idyll, Morukuru Family...

Escape to the bush: luxury family style

For many of us, childhood holidays are remembered as a magical time before the worries of everyday life weighed on us, and the drudgery of chores was a foreign concept. For those seeking to return to this idyll, Morukuru Family Madikwe is the answer.

Exploring Thailand’s Temples: A Fusion of Art, Architecture, and Devotion

Exploring Thailand’s Temples: A Fusion of Art, Architecture, and Devotion

The Province of Nan is a wild and mountainous region which borders Laos in the north of Thailand. Here you will find a melting pot of Burmese, Laotian and Thai cultures. Buddhism permeates most aspects of daily life in Northern Thailand. In every town there are temples of prominence. These temples tell a story of local history, they showcase art, and they are what connect many Thai people to one central philosophy of living. To understand the history and the nature of a temple is to understand a community or an area.

Waar die einde van die wêreld begin

Waar die einde van die wêreld begin

Tydens haar Russiese skoolvakansie het FRANSI PHILLIPS in Witdraai die familie van Dawid Kruiper ontmoet, skool gehou in die veld en verskeie kuns- en kultuurprojekte aan die gang gesit. Die einde van die wêreld begin omtrent 200 km noord van Upington.



Op Barrydale is die dorpshotel weer die middelpunt van die dorpslewe. MARLIZA VAN DEN BERG beleef die nuwe Karoo Art Hotel wat onlangs weer sy deure oopgemaak het. Dis laatmiddag toe ek voor die Karoo Art Hotel in Barrydale se hoofstraat stop.



TWEE WEKE IN ’N KLOOSTER In Augustus het JEAN MEIRING twee weke lank die rus van Pluscarden-abdy, net buite Elgin in die noorde van Skotland, opgesoek. Daar het hy ’n rare, sagte wêreld ontdek.TWEE WEKE IN ’N KLOOSTERPhotography  In Augustus het JEAN MEIRING twee...